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JOURNAL " DISASTER ADVANCES " ( Impact Factor 0.138 ; Indexed in SCIE, SCOPUS, Geobase ( Elsevier ) etc. ) 2nd International Disaster Prevention Technology and Management DPTM 2012 conference E-mail : disaster@managein.org Website : www.disasterjournal.net We are pleased to introduce you our blind peer reviewed indexed international journal " Disaster Advances " having impact factor 0.138 . Details are available at our website link http://www.disasterjournal.net You are welcome to send your papers for journal and conference DPTM 2012 at your earliest (email: disaster@managein. org ). Our blind peer reviewed international quarterly journal " DISASTER ADVANCES "(ISSN 0974-262X) is published regularly since last 04 years. Its impact factor is 0.138. Our journal is indexed and abstracted in Science Citation Index Expanded (SciSearch®) , Web of Science , ISI Alerting Service,
Geobase (Elsevier).
We know that you are a good researcher in field of natural disasters and man made disaster, atmospheric sciences, earth sciences and geo sciences, therefore we request you to contribute research papers for our journal . For accepting the paper, we concentrate on merit, quality and relevance of paper. Papers received by us for journal are sent to two experts anywhere in the world for review and if both the experts approve, then and then we accept paper for publication.We wish that our journal should be one of the best ten international journals of the world in coming years. Therefore we are in search of a good team of editors, associate editors, co-editors, regional editors, subject editors, conference editors etc throughout the world. Our journal believes in continuous process to publish the recent researches and tries to co-relate various inter-disciplinary sciences. We wish to develop various research projects in consultation with various industries as well for benefit of mankind. Membership of Journal is of three types- Fellow, Life and Annual. Details are given under the heading membership in our website http://www.disasterjournal.net International members can send the subscription in US $ or equivalent currency by electronic transfer through bank or through western union money transfer. We will provide details on hearing from you. Indian delegates can send the registration fees by draft in name of "Disaster Advances" payable at Indore. If you are interested to become member of our editorial board, please send your CV and research interests to our India office. We wish that all our editors should preferably be our fellow members by paying US $ 1500 ( For Indians residing in India : Rs.15,000/- ). Fellow members are exempted from registration fees of DPTM 2012 and so on. Editors are not paying towards membership of editorial board but they are promoting research and they are contributing for a noble cause towards establishing an International Research Institute " Environmental Disasters Research Institute " to work for prevention, awareness, monitoring and management of Natural Disasters and Man-made Disasters. Therefore we request you sincerely to be our Fellow Member so that we march ahead to " SAVE EARTH " from pollution and disasters. First international Disaster Prevention Technology and Management DPTM 2010 was organized successfully from 23rd to 25th Oct. 2010 at Chongqing, China in association with Chongqing University, China. Second International Disaster Prevention Technology and Management DPTM 2012 will be organized in year 2012. Papers acccepted for conference DPTM 2012 will be published in regular issue of our SCIE indexed journal "Disaster Advances" in year 2012. Venue and dates will be announced soon. We had organized International Congress of Chemistry and Environment ICCE-2001, ICCE-2005 in INDIA and ICCE-2007 in KUWAIT in past successfully and recently ICCE-2009 at Thailand. 5th International Congress of Chemistry and Environment ICCE 2011 was held at MALAYSIA from 27-29 May 2011 to celebrate International Year of Chemistry as well. 6th International Congress of Chemistry and Environment ICCE 2013 will be held at Dubai. Venue and dates will be announced soon. First international biotechnology conference ISBT-2008 was held at Gangtok, Sikkim, India from 28th Dec. to 30th Dec.2008. 2nd ISBT 2013 will be held in year 2013. We request you to contribute research papers in our journal and conference at your earliest.
( UN Accredited Press Representative ) Sector AG / 80, Scheme no.54, Vijaynagar, A.B.Road, INDORE 452010, INDIA
Editor: International Congress of Chemistry and Environment International Society of BioTechnology International Society of Management International Congress of Disaster Management Environmental Disasters Research Institute The Management , Environment and Science Research Society