Издательская деятельность

Institute of Applied Physics
Russian Academy of Sciences

L. Dolin, G. Gilbert, I. Levin, A. Luchinin
Theory of imaging through wavy sea surface

Published by the decision of the Editorial Advisory Board of the Institute of Applied Physics , RAS

Nizhniy Novgorod: IAP RAS, 2006. — 172 p. ISBN 5-8048-0038-8
ISBN 5-8048-0038-8

The monograph presents the theory of imaging naturally illuminated sea bottom and underwater objects through rough sea surface. The airborne imaging theory is developed by generalizing and advancing a previously developed theory for underwater imaging systems, which is presented in Chapter 1. Chapter 2 develops optical models for seawater, surface and maritime atmosphere including their inherent optical properties and parameters of light field (downwelling and upwelling radiance, beam spread function) needed for underwater objects imaging. In particular, a new model of beam spread function allows extremely fast computer algorithms for image simulation. Chapter 3 presents analysis of image transfer through rough surface, including an analytical description of an image via its first and second statistical moments, in particular, the effects of sea surface “double focusing” on image statistics, and equations for image fluctuation variance and signal/noise ratio for given bottom reflectance. A new effective algorithm for computer simulation of random images of a heterogeneous bottom observed through a rough sea surface and examples of simulated instantaneous and accumulated images for different bottom reflectances are given in Chapter 4. These data may be used to select illumination conditions and direction of the survey aircraft's path relative to wind direction and solar vertical to optimize the amount and quality of the data to be collected.

The book is intended for engineers, scientists and students working or studying in the field of ocean optics and underwater imaging.


D. Sc. in physics and mathematics O. V. Kopelevich
D. Sc. in physics and mathematics V. G. Yakhno

Institute of Applied Physics, RAS, 2006 г .