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Cотрудники института
Буянова Мария Николаевна Область научных интересов: Профессиональная карьера: Награды, премии, гранты: Количество публикаций: Наиболее значительные работы и результаты: A plane parallel model of multipactor is studied in detail using both an analytical approach and numerical simulations. The analytical analysis is carried out within a widely exploited approximation, which assumes a fixed value for the initial velocity of secondary electrons. It is shown that the commonly accepted picture of the multipactor zones is not quite complete and should be modified by taking into account the existence of hybrid resonance modes and the important consequences of a secondary emission yield that significantly exceeds unity. Numerical simulations demonstrate that the chart of the multipactor zones is also very sensitive to a spread of the initial velocity of the electrons. In particular, the full effect of initial electron velocities cannot accurately be modeled by using a single fixed value only. A. Sazontov, M. Buyanova, V. Semenov, E. Rakova, N. Vdovicheva, D. Anderson, M. Lisak, J. Puech and L. Lapierre. Effect of emission velocity spread of secondary electrons in two-sided multipactor // Physics of Plasmas 12, p. 053102 (2005) Detailed numerical simulations of the two-sided multipactor have been carried out within a plane-parallel model. The main aim of the simulations is to clarify the uncertainty that still exists in the literature concerning the overlapping of multipactor zones. Three different codes sMonte Carlo, particle-in-cell, and statisticald were used to calculate the multipactor charts within a wide range of parameters such as spread of initial velocities of the secondary electrons and maximum value of the secondary emission yield. It was found that an increase in the spread of initial velocities results in overlapping of the multipactor zones, provided the secondary emission is high enough. In the opposite case, an increase in the spread of initial velocities leads to a suppression of the higher multipactor zones. М.Н.Буянова, В. Е.Нечаев, В. Е.Семёнов. Мультипакторный разряд на поверхности диэлектрика в поле плоских волн круговой поляризации // Известия вузов. Радиофизика, Том L, № 10–11, стр. 988-1003 (2007) Теоретически исследовано развитие вторично-эмиссионного разряда на поверхности диэлектрика, облучаемого плоской ТЕМ-волной с круговой поляризацией. Показано, что наличие сторонних статических полей не является необходимым условием возникновения разряда, т. к. возвращение эмитированных электронов к поверхности эмиссии может быть обусловлено их взаимодействием с волновым электромагнитным полем. Определены условия возникновения разряда при различных значениях коэффициента отражения падающей волны. Полученные результаты используются для оценки пропускной способности выходного окна мощных вакуумных СВЧ приборов. Установлено, в частности, что снижение амплитуды высокочастотного поля на поверхности окна при реализации в окрестности последнего режима частично-стоячей волны не всегда способствует повышению его электрической прочности. M. Buyanova, V. E. Semenov, D. Anderson, M. Lisak, and J. Puech. Influence of secondary emission yield on the saturation properties of multipactor discharges between two parallel metal plates // Physics of Plasmas 17, p. 043504 (2010) A detailed numerical simulation analysis is made of the saturation stage of multipactor discharges between two infinite parallel metal plates in vacuum exposed to a rf voltage. The main physical effect causing saturation of the multipactor discharge is increased space charge, as the electron density becomes large. It is found that the properties of the saturation stage depend crucially on the value of the secondary emission yield of the metal surfaces. Below a certain threshold value, the discharge has a two-sided character, but at this threshold the discharge makes an abrupt transition into two decoupled single-sided multipactor discharges containing significantly increased electron densities. The result of the numerical simulations gives a good picture of the saturation properties of the multipactor discharge and is also supplemented by an approximate analytical investigation that highlights and explains the characteristic properties of the observed saturation behavior. N. Bertelli, A.A. Balakin, E. Westerhof and M.N. Buyanova. ECCD calculations in ITER by means of the quasi-optical code // Nuclear Fusion v.50, p. 115008 (2010). Electron cyclotron current drive (ECCD) calculations for the case of the ITER electron cyclotron resonant heating upper port launcher are presented making use of a quasi-optical (QO) code (Balakin et al 2008 Nucl. Fusion 48 065003). The QO code describes accurately the behaviour of the wave beam in the electron cyclotron resonance layer, taking into account spatial inhomogeneity and dispersion. The ECCD efficiency is obtained using the adjoint calculation as presented by (Lin-Liu et al 2003 Phys. Plasmas 10 4064). The results show a broadening of the EC driven current density profiles in the range 15–30% as compared with beam-tracing calculations using TORBEAM. Consistently, peak driven current density values are found to be decreased by 10–20%. These results have significant consequences for the determination of the requirements onECCDpower to control magnetohydrodynamic instabilities such as neoclassical tearing modes and sawteeth. Организационная деятельность: