Cотрудники института

Перевезенцев Евгений Александрович
м. н.с

ННГУ им. Н.И. Лобачевского, 2008г, магистр, радиофизика.

Область научных интересов:
Лазерная физика, оптика.

Профессиональная карьера:
С 2006г. работаю в ИПФ РАН.

Количество публикаций:

 Наиболее значительные работы и результаты:  
1. Е. A. Perevezentsev, I. B. Mukhin, O. L. Vadimova, O. V. Palashov, E. A. Khazanov, Dewei Luo, Jian Zhang, and D. Tang, "Yb:YAG ceramics application for high energy cryogenic disk amplifier development," Phys. Status Solidi A, 210,, 1232-1234 (2013).
2. E. Perevezentsev, A. Poteomkin, and E. A. Khazanov, "Comparison for phase aberrated laser beams quality criteria," Applied Optics 46, 774-784 (2007).
3. E. A. Perevezentsev, I. B. Mukhin, O. V. Palashov, and E. A. Khazanov, "Amplification of laser radiation in disk Yb:YAG crystals cooled down to the liquid nitrogen temperature," Quantum Electronics 39, 807-813 (2009).
4. I. B. Mukhin, O. V. Palashov, E. A. Khazanov, A. G. Vyatkin, and E. A. Perevezentsev, "Laser and thermal characteristics of Yb : YAG crystals in the 80 — 300 K temperature range," Quantum Electronics 41, 1045 (2011).
5. E. A. Perevezentsev, I. B. Mukhin, I. I. Kuznetsov, O. V. Palashov, and E. A. Khazanov, "Cryogenic disk Yb : YAG laser with 120-mJ energy at 500-Hz pulse repetition rate," Квантовая Электроника, т.43, №3 43, 207-210 (2013).
6 O. L. Vadimova, I. B. Mukhin, I. I. Kuznetsov, O. V. Palashov, E. A. Perevezentsev, E. A. Khazanov, and QUANTUM ELECTRON, 43 (3), 201–206., "Calculation of the gain coefficient in cryogenically cooled Yb : YAG disks at high heat generation rates," Quantum Electron. 43, 201-206 (2013).
7. O. V. Palashov, I. B. Ievlev, E. A. Perevezentsev, E. V. Katin, and E. A. Khazanov, "Cooling and thermal stabilisation of Faraday rotators in the temperature range 300 – 200 K using Peltier elements," Quantum Electronics 41, 858-861 (2011).