Cотрудники института

Шишкин Борис Викторович
научный сотрудник отдела нелинейной электродинамики (170)<

Горьковский государственный университет им. Н.И.Лобачевского, 1979 г., специальность радиофизика и электроника.
Нижегородский юридический институт МВД РФ, 1998 г., специальность юриспруденция.

Область научных интересов:
- исследование частотных характеристик выходного излучения  гиротронов со сверхпроводящими и импульсными соленоидами для активной диагностики и электронно-циклотронного нагрева плазмы;
- микроволновые методы активной диагностики низкотемпературной лабораторной плазмы при воздействии на нее мощных импульсов сантиметрового диапазона длин волн наносекундной длительности;
- диагностика профилей электронной температуры плазмы в токамаках при ее электронно-циклотронном нагреве;
- генерация и детектирование излучения терагерцового диапазона частот при распространении в различных средах мощных лазерных импульсов фемтосекундной длительности.

Профессиональная карьера:
2009 г. по н/вр. – отдел нелинейной электродинамики ИПФ, научный сотрудник; 
1993-2003 – НПП «ГИКОМ», менеджер проектов, юрисконсульт отдела внешнеэкономической деятельности;
1981-2009 - отдел физики плазмы ИПФ, инженер, м.н.с,  н.с.;
1981 – Горьковское отделение биотехнологии Всесоюзного НИИ особо чистых биопрепаратов (ВНИИ БП), г.Ленинград, инженер;
1979-1981 Горьковский НИИ эпидемиологии и микробиологии (ГНИИЭМ), ст. инженер. 

Визиты в зарубежные научные лаборатории:
Институт физики, Китайская академия наук, токамак CT-6B, г. Пекин, КНР, 1990 г.
Юго-западный институт физики, токамак HL-1, г. Лешан (Leshan), КНР, 1992 г.
Varian Associates, Inc., Palo Alto, Калифорния, США, 1994 г.
Center for Research in Plasma Physics (CRPP) Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL), Лозанна, Швейцария, 1996 г.
Culham Centre for Fusion Energy, токамак JET, Culham, Великобритания, 1999 г.
Количество публикаций:
Соавтор более 80 публикаций.

Наиболее значительные работы и результаты:

  1. Fiks A.Sh., Flyagin V.A., Luchinin A.G., Nusinovich G.S. and Shishkin B.V.   Powerful gyrotrons for electron cyclotron resonance heating and active diagnostics of plasma. Proc. of the 4th International Symposium on Heating in Toroidal Plasmas, Roma, 1984,  vol. II, pp.1416-1423. 
      Abstract. The possibilities of the development of gyrotrons with pulse solenoids and their application in plasma fusion experiments are discussed. The output power of submillimeter-wave gyrotrons with pulse solenoids exceeds 100 kW at frequencies up to 500 GHz; millimeter-wave gyrotrons produce 200-300 kW at frequencies from 75 GHz to 94 GHz. The instantaneous bandwidth of the millimeter-wave gyrotron radiation does not exceed 1 MHz. It seems possible to apply gyrotrons with pulse solenoids for preionization, ECRH and active diagnostics of plasma.
  2. V.Alikaev, A.Bagdasarov, E.Berezovskii, A.Berlizov, A.Borshchagovskii, N.Yasin, V.Vershkov, Yu.Gorelov, S.Grashin, M.Dremin, Yu.Esipchuk, S.Efremov, V.Zaveryaev, V.Il'in, A.Kislov, Yu.Karzhavin, V.Markelov, Yu.Maximov, A.Medvedev, G.Notkin, A.Nabatov, A.Pimenov, S.Popovichev, I.Popov, V.Poznyak, K.Razumova, I.Roy, I.Rodichkin, M.Stepanenko, V.Strelkov, Yu.Sokolov, E.Sitar, A.Solntsev, A.Tarakanov, K.Tarasan, K.Titishov, V.Trukhin, V.Phlyagin, A.Chankin, V.Chistyakov, V.Chicherov, B.Shishkin and G.Yaramyshev.  Power deposition profile effect on the ECH efficiency in T-10. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 1987, v.29, №10A, pp.1285-1295.
      Abstract. The results of the electron cyclotron heating (ECH) experiments in T-10 are presented.  An 11-tube gyrotron set-up with a total power of 4 MW was used in the experiments. The set-up consists of two types of gyrotrons with different wavelengths. The dependence of the energy confinement on the RF power deposition profile was investigated. An electron temperature of reactor level was obtained.
  3.   Yu.A.Dryagin, L.A.Esipov, G.V.Gerasimenko, A.N.Levitsky, V.A.Markelov, V.V.Rozhdestvensky, B.V.Shishkin.  Measurement of plasma EC radiation spectra in tokamak FT-2 by a fast-tuning receiver with absolute calibration.  XVIII International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases, Swansea, 1987, pp.608-609.
  4. V.V.Alikaev, A.A.Bagdasarov, A.B.Berlizov, Yu.V.Esipchuk, A.Ya.Kislov, K.A.Razumova, B.V.Shishkin. ECR Heating of T-10 Plasma. Proceedings of sixth joint workshop on Electron Cyclotron Emission and Electron Cyclotron Resonance Heating, Oxford, 16-17 September 1987, EC-6 Oxford, pp.207-221. 
      Abstract. ECRH experiment with 4 MW power of an auxiliary gyrotron set were carried out on T-10 tokamak. The dependences of plasma energy parameters on the absorbed power profile were studied. The electron temperatures at the plasma column centre were similar to those expected for the fusion reactor. The studies of electron temperature  under various ECRH-conditions were studied with the ECE diagnostics.
  5. V.V.Alikaev, A.A.Bagdasarov, Yu.V.Balabanov, E.L.Berezovskij, A.B.Berlizov, G.A.Bobrovskij, A.A.Borshchegovskij, N.L.Vasin, V.A.Vershkov, V.P.Vlasov, V.V.Volkov, Yu.A.Gorelov, A.V.Gorshkov, S.A.Grashin, V.V.Dreval, M.M.Dremin, S.M.Egorov, Yu.V.Esiptchuk, S.L.Efremov,  V.A.Zhuravlev, V.S.Zaveryaev, N.V.Ivanov, V.I.Il'in, A.M.Kakurin, Yu.Yu.Karzhavin, Yu.N.Kilpio, A.Ya.Kislov, P.E.Kovrov, V.V.Kuznetsov, Yu.S.Maksimov, A.A.Medvedev, I.V.Miroshnikov, A.L.Nabatov, S.V.Neudachin, V.M.Novikov, G.E.Notkin, A.B.Pimenov, V.I.Poznyak, LA.Popov, S.V.Popovichev, N.R.Potemkin, K.A.Razumova, I.G.Rodichkin, I.N.Roj, P.V.Savrukhin, V.V. Sannikov, V.Yu.Sergeev, M.M.Sokolov, A.M.Solntsev, M.M.Stepanenko, V.S.Strelkov, A.V.Sushkov, A.V.Tarakanov, K.N.Tarasyan, V.V.Timonin, K.B.Titishov, V.M.Trukhin, V.L.Ygolev, A.N.Fyakhretdinov, A.V. Chankin, V.V.Chistyakov, D.Yu. Shugaev, A.F.Sherbak, G.S.Yaramishev, V.A.Markelov, B.V.Shishkin, S.A.Hokin. Study of density limit and low q(aL) regimes with ECRH on T-10.  Proc. XII Intern. Conference on Plasma Phys. and Controlled Nuclear Fusion Research, Nice, 1988, IAEA-CN-50/E-I-1-1, vol. I, pp.513-525.
      Abstract. The studies of ECRH with a gyrotron set, with 4 MW of total power, have been continued on T-10, in regimes with low q(aL) values of ~2.5. It has been shown that the dependence of the energy confinement time on the power deposited in the plasma is the same as that for high q(aL) (~5). The RF power deposition profile prevents an increase in the amplitude of the sawtooth oscillations during the heating process. The radial profiles of the plasma parameters and the local energy balance with on-axis ECRH are studied in the presence of sawtooth oscillations and with their suppression due to changes in the ECRH power deposition profiles. The energy confinement in the plasma is shown to be weakly dependent on the plasma current for constant ne under conditions of ECRH.
  6. B.V.Shishkin, V.I.Malygin, Yang Si-Ze, Yao Xin-Zi, V.V.Rozhdestvensy, Xu Yyo-Cong, Xue Si-Wen, Liu Yong, Xu De-Ming, Guo Gan-Cheng, Ding Xuan-Tong, Chen Miao-Wen, Yu Li-Mu, Jiang Xiu-Fang, Li Xiao-Dong, Deng Xi-Wen, Wang En-Yao. The Electron Cyclotron Resonance Heating Experiments on HL-1 Tokamak. Acta Physica Sinica (Overseas Edition), 1995,vol.4, №1, pp.39-46.
      Abstract. The electron cyclotron resonance heating (ECRH) experiments on HL-1 tokamak with 300kW of power generated by a gyrotron are described. With ECE diagnostics, a 30% increase of electron temperature has been obtained. The following phenomena have been observed with various diagnostics during ECRH: increase of radiation intensity of soft X-ray;amplitude change and period elongation of sawtooth oscillation; MHD instability suppression; increase of Hα spectral fine intensity and ionized impurity radiation from edge plasma;increase of the temperature and density of edge plasma. Although the total plasma energy content increases, the energy confinement time is decreased. Initial results of low voltage start-up experiments have also been obtained.
  7. S.B. Bodrov, A. N. Stepanov, M. I. Bakunov, B. V. Shishkin, I. E. Ilyakov, and R. A.Akhmedzhanov. Highly efficient optical-to-terahertz conversion in a sandwich structure with LiNbO3 core. Optics Express 17, 1871 (2009).
      Abstract. We demonstrate experimentally the efficiency of a recently proposed scheme of terahertz generation based on Cherenkov emission from ultrashort laser pulses in a sandwich structure. The structure has a thin nonlinear core covered with a prism of low terahertz absorption. Using an 8 mm long Si-LiNbO3-BK7 structure with a 50 μm thick LiNbO3 core, we converted 40 μJ, 50 fs Ti: sapphire laser pulses into terahertz pulses of ~3 THz bandwidth with a record efficiency of over 0.1%.
  8. N. Bityurin, A. Afanasiev, V. Bredikhin, A. Alexandrov, N. Agareva, A. Pikulin, I. Ilyakov, B. Shishkin, R. Akhmedzhanov. Colloidal particle lens arrays-assisted nanopatterning by harmonics of a femtosecond laser.  Optics Express, 2013, v. 21, N. 18, pp.21485-21490.
      Abstract. We consider nanopatterning of dielectric substrates by harmonics of single powerful femtosecond pulses from a Ti:Sapphire laser. The nanopatterning is mediated by closely packed monolayers of polystyrene microspheres that act as microlenses at the surface. Observed modification of the material proceeds via ionization. By our theory, the second harmonic is more effective in multi-photon ionization and is better focused than the fundamental frequency which is effective in multiplying of the amount of free electrons via impact ionization. Experiments show that conversion of a part of the pulse energy into the second harmonic decreases the modification threshold and improves the localization of the structures. Optimization of the time offset between the harmonics could further improve the efficiency and quality of nanostructuring.
  9. I. E. Ilyakov, G. Kh. Kitaeva, B. V. Shishkin, and R. A. Akhmedzhanov, Terahertz time-domain electro-optic measurements by femtosecond laser pulses with an edge-cut spectrum.  Optics Letters, Vol. 41 Issue 13, pp. 2998-3001, (2016).
      Abstract. Balanced electro-optic detection techniques of terahertz wave radiation are proposed based on variations of the energy and ellipticity of laser pulses with an edge-cut spectrum. The techniques are compared with the standard electro-optic detection scheme utilizing laser pulses with Gaussian spectrum shape. Our calculations and measurements show that the studied schemes have a much better response to the terahertz wave radiation at high frequencies compared with the standard one.
  10. I. E. Ilyakov, B. V. Shishkin, D. A. Fadeev, I. V. Oladyshkin, V. V. Chernov, A. I. Okhapkin, P. A. Yunin, V. A. Mironov, R. A. Akhmedzhanov, Terahertz radiation from bismuth surface induced by femtosecond laser pulses. Optics Letters, Vol. 41 Issue 18, pp. 4289-4292 (2016).
      Abstract. We report on the first experimental observation of terahertz (THz) wave generation from bismuth mono- and polycrystalline samples irradiated by femtosecond laser pulses. Dependencies of the THz signal on the crystal orientation, optical pulse energy, incidence angle, and polarization are presented and discussed together with features of the sample surfaces. The optical-to-THz conversion efficiency was up to two orders of magnitude higher than for metal at a moderate fluence of ∼1 mJ/cm2. We also found nonlinear effects not previously observed using other metal and semiconductor materials: (a) asymmetry of THz response with respect to a half-turn of a sample around its normal, (b) THz polarization control by orientation of the sample surface, and (c) strong enhancement of optical-to-THz conversion after structuring of a sample with optically large-scale parallel strips pattern.