Microwave pulses at the BWO output (black line)
and compressor (red line)
AP proposed and has demonstrated experimentally the concept of using a relativistic generator with a moderate operating voltage and an intrapulse frequency modulation, whose radiation is time-compressed in a passive dispersion system, for the purpose of achieving a multi-GW peak power (V. L. Bratman, G. G. Denisov, N. G. Kolganov,
S. V. Samsonov). The methods of producing intrapulse
frequency modulations have been developed, and an original design of a waveguide compressor in the form of waveguide with a helical corrugation of the internal surface has been proposed. 4.5-fold compression
of a radiation pulse of a relativistic BWO with an accelerating voltage decreasing during the pulse has been achieved in the 3-cm wavelength band at an output power of 3.2 GW and a pulse duration of 2.2 ns.