Nonlinear dynamics
of the upper ocean
Nonlinear dynamics of the upper ocean belongs to the research lines rapidly developed at the IAP RAS from the first years of its activities. The achieved progress was essentially provided by fundamental results on the general theory of nonlinear waves obtained first at the RRI and then at the IAP RAS by
V. I. Talanov, L. A. Ostrovsky, E. N. Pelinovsky, and their numerous disciples. Universe methods of the theory of nonlinear oscillations and waves developed at the Nizhny Novgorod School of Radiophysics proved to be efficient for describing wave motions in the ocean in various ranges from small-scale capillary ripples (of wavelength several millimeters) to tsunami waves (of wavelength several ten kilometers). The elaboration of physical and numerical models of wave phenomena in the ocean was always based on the own powerful experimental base that includes unique setups and measuring complexes for laboratory and field experiments.