
Dmitrichev Alexey Sergeevich
Ph.D, senior research scientist

Birthday: 16 August 1980;
Place of Birth: Gorky region, Russia;
Marital status: married; have two daughters and a son

2002: graduated from Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod (Faculty: Radiophysics; Master degree in Radiophysics)
2010:Ph.D. thesis “Nonlinear waves and localized structures in reaction-diffusion systems with complex-threshold excitation” (speciality: 01.04.03 – Radiophysics; supervisor: V.I.  Nekorkin)

Scope of professional interests:
Nonlinear oscillations, waves and pattern formation, spatio-temporal chaos, synchronization, neurodynamics, active networks.

Professional career:
2002 – present: Department of nonlinear dynamics, IAP RAS (senior laboratory assistant, junior researcher, research scientist, senior research scientist)

Recent publications:

1.   A.S. Dmitrichev, V.I. Nekorkin, D.V. Kasatkin, Transient sequences in a network of excitatory cou-pled Morris-Lecar neurons, In book ISCS 2014: Interdisciplinary Symposium on Complex Systems. (Ed. by A. Sanayei et al.). Springer International Publishing Switzerland, 2014. Series: Emergence, Complexity and Computation, V. 14. pp. 27-36.
2. V.I. Nekorkin, A.S. Dmitrichev, D.V. Kasatkin, Reducing the sequential dynamics of neural networks to synaptic cellular automata, In book Nonlinear Dynamics New Directions - Models and Applications. (Ed. by H. Gonzá-lez-Aguilar and E. Ugalde). Springer, 2015. Series: Nonlinear Systems and Complexity, V. 12. pp. 111-127.
3. R. Behdad, S. Binczak, A.S. Dmitrichev, V.I. Nekorkin, J.-M. Bilbault, Artificial Electrical Morris–Lecar Neuron, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems. 2015, V. 26, № 9, pp. 1875-1884.
4. V. V. Klinshov, D. S. Shapin, A. S. Dmitrichev, V. I. Nekorkin, and Y. V. Andreyev, Cellular Automata for Modeling Wireless Sensor Networks, Nonlinear Phenomena in Complex Systems. 2015, V. 18, № 4, pp. 429-442.
5. S. Binczak, R. Behdad, A.S. Dmitrichev, V.I. Nekorkin, M. Rosse, J.-M. Bilbault, Electrical coupled Morris-Lecar neurons: From design to pattern analysis, AIP Conference Proceedings. 2015, V. 1738, p. 210002.
6. A.S. Dmitrichev, D.G. Zakharov, V.I. Nekorkin, Global Stability of a Synchronous Regime in Hub Clusters of the Power Networks, Radiophysics and Quantum Electronics. 2017, V. 60, № 6, pp. 506-512.
7. V.S. Afraimovich, A.S. Dmitrichev, D.S. Shchapin, V.I. Nekorkin, Сomplexity functions  for networks: Dynamical hubs and complexity cluster,  Commun Nonlinear Sci Numer Simulat. 2018, V. 55, pp. 166-173.
8. D.S. Shchapin, A. S. Dmitrichev, V.I. Nekorkin, Chimera states in an ensemble of linearly locally coupled bistable oscillators // JETP Letters. 2017, V. 106, №9, pp. 617-621.
9. А.S. Dmitrichev, V.V. Klinshov, S.Y. Kirillov, O.V. Maslennikov, D.S. Shapin, V.I. Nekorkin, Nonlinear dynamical models of neurons: Review // Izvestiya VUZ, Applied Nonlinear Dynamics, 2018, V. 26, № 4, pp. 5-58.
10. А.С. Дмитричев, Д.С. Щапин, В.И. Некоркин, Клонирование химерных состояний в мультиплексной сети двухчастотных осцилляторов с линейными локальными связями // Письма в ЖЭТФ. 2018, Т. 108, №8, сс. 574-579.
A.S. Dmitrichev, D.S. Shchapin, V.I. Nekorkin, Cloning of Chimera States in a Multiplex Network of Two-Frequency Oscillators with Linear Local Couplings // Pis'ma v Zh. E?ksper. Teoret. Fiz. 2018, V.108, №8, pp. 574-579.
11. V.S. Afraimovich, A.S. Dmitrichev, D.S. Shchapin, V.I. Nekorkin, The mean complexities in the regimes of dynamical networks with full oscillations binding // EPJ Special Topic. 2018. V. 227, № 10-11. p. 1231.