
Mikhail Emelin
research scientist

Date of birth: October 15, 1982
Place of birth: Gorky, Russia

2006: graduated from Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod (Faculty: Radiophysics; Master degree in Radiophysics)
2009: Ph.D. thesis “Attosecond pulse generation in laser ionization of excited atoms and molecules” (speciality: 01.04.21 – Laser physics; supervisor: A.M. Sergeev)

Scope of professional interests:
Intense-field laser-matter interactions, attosecond physics, molecular dynamic imaging

Professional carrier:
2002 – present: IAP RAS (laboratory assistant, senior laboratory assistant, student researcher, junior researcher, research scientist)

The scholarship of the UNN Academic Council (2002-2004, 2006)
K. Minin (2004) and Yu. Khariton (2005) scholarships of the Government of the Nizhny Novgorod region
Diploma of the Innovation & Career competition (2005-2006)
The scholarship of the IAP RAS Council of Young Scientists and Specialists (2007)
The 3rd prize certificate at the competition of the projects of young scientists of IAP RAS (2007)
Academician Razuvaev scholarship of the Government of the Nizhny Novgorod region (2007-2009)
The scholarships of the Dynasty Foundation for students (2004-2006), graduate students (2007-2009), and young scientists with a Ph.D. degree (2010)

9 articles in refereed journals

Most significant papers:
Emelin M.Yu., Ryabikin M.Yu., and Sergeev A.M. Frequency tunable single attosecond pulse production from aligned diatomic molecules ionized by intense laser field // Optics Express. 2010. V.18, N3. P.2269-2278.

Frolov M.V., Manakov N.L., Sarantseva T.S., Emelin M.Yu., Ryabikin M.Yu., and Starace A.F. Analytic description of high-energy plateau in harmonic generation by atoms: can harmonic yield increase with increasing laser wavelengths? // Phys. Rev. Lett. 2009. V.102, N24. Art. no. 243901.

Emelin M.Yu., Ryabikin M.Yu., and Sergeev A.M. Monitoring long-term evolution of molecular vibrational wave packet using high-order harmonic generation // New Journal of Physics. 2008. V.10, N2. Art. no. 025026.

Emelin M.Yu., Ryabikin M.Yu., and Sergeev A.M. Single attosecond burst generation during ionization of excited atoms by intense ultrashort laser pulses // Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics. 2008. V.106, N2. P.203-217.

Emelin M.Yu., Ryabikin M.Yu., Sergeev A.M., Chernobrovtseva M.D., Pfeifer T., Walter D., and Gerber G. High-efficiency generation of attosecond excited during atomic ionization from excited electronic states // Europhysics Letters. 2005. V.69, N6. P.913-919.

Pfeifer T., Walter D., Gerber G., Emelin M.Yu., Ryabikin M.Yu., Chernobrovtseva M.D., and Sergeev A.M. Transient enhancement of high-harmonic generation in expanding molecules // Phys. Rev. A. 2004. V.70, N1. Art. no. 013805.

Emelin M.Yu., Ryabikin M.Yu., Sergeev A.M., Chernobrovtseva M.D., Pfeifer T., Walter D., and Gerber G. Attosecond burst and high-harmonic generation in molecular ionization by ultrashort laser pulses // JETP Letters. 2003. V.77, N5. P.212-216.