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Arkady Gonoskov Date of birth: August 8, 1984 Education: Scope of professional interests: Professional career: Awards: Most significant publications: Gonoskov A.A., Gonoskov I.A. Suppression of reflection from the grid boundary in solving the time-dependent Schrödinger equation by split-step technique with fast Fourier transform // arXiv:physics/0607120v1 [physics.atom-ph]. – 2006. Korzhimanov A.V., Gonoskov A.A., Kim A.V., Sergeev A.M. Proton and light-ion acceleration to relativistic GeV energies by the superstrong laser radiation interacting with a structured plasma target // JETP Lett. – 2007. – Vol. 86, no. 9. – P. 577–583. Gonoskov A.A., Gonoskov I.A., Ryabikin M.Yu., Sergeev A.M. Diffraction imaging of a diatomic molecule using recolliding electrons: role of Coulomb potential and nuclear motion // Phys. Rev. A. – 2008. – Vol. 77, no. 3. – Art. no. 033424. Gonoskov A.A., Korzhimanov A.V., Eremin V.I., Kim A.V., Sergeev A.M. Multi-cascade proton acceleration by a superintense laser pulse in the regime of relativistically induced slab transparency // Phys. Rev. Lett. – 2009. – Vol. 102, no. 18. – Art. no. 184801. Copyright to the computer program «PFFT» (Parallel Fast Fourier Transform), certificate of state registration number 2009616617, date issued: 30.11.2009. Korzhimanov A.V., Gonoskov A.A., Khazanov E.A. Horizons of petawatt laser technology // Physics-Uspekhi. 2011. V.54, N1. P.9-28. Soloviev A.A., Burdonov K.F., Ginzburg V.N., Gonoskov A.A., Katin E.V., Kim A.V., Kirsanov A.V., Korzhimanov A.V., Kostyukov I.Y., Lozhkarev V.V., Luchinin G.A., Mal'shakov A.N., Martyanov M.A., Nerush E.N., Palashov O.V., Poteomkin A.K., A.M. Sergeev, Shaykin A.A., Starodubtsev M.V., Yakovlev I.V., Zelenogorsky V.V., and Khazanov E.A. Fast electron generation using PW-class PEARL facility // Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment. 2011. DOI: 10.1016/j.nima.2011.01.180. Burza M., Gonoskov A., Genoud G., Persson A., Svensson K., Quinn M., McKenna P., Marklund M., and Wahlström C.-G. Hollow microspheres as targets for staged laser-driven proton acceleration // New Journal of Physics. 2011. V.13, N1. Art. no. 013030. Gonoskov A.A., Korzhimanov A.V., Kim A.V., Marklund M., Sergeev A.M. Ultrarelativistic nanoplasmonics as a new route towards extreme intensity attosecond pulses // arXiv:1104.5375v1 [physics.plasm-ph]. - 2011. Other information SimLight Group leader, developer of the SELAB and the ELMIS supercomputer codes