
Lebedev Andrey Vadimovich
Head of the laboratory of heterogeneous-media acoustics
Doctor of Science in acoustics

Gorky, USSR, married

Radiophysical faculty of Gorky State University (1984), M.S. in radiophysics and electronics,
Ph.D. in acoustics (1993), scientific advisers were prof. Ostrovsky Lev A. and Salin Boris M.,
Doctor of Science in acoustics (2007)

Scope of professional interests:
Geophysics, acoustics, nonlinear vibrations and waves in heterogeneous media, scientific instruments in physical experiments

Professional career:
1984-up today are affiliated with IAP RAS, 1994-95 was part time employee in the institute of standards (Nizhny Novgorod),
2002-04 post doc position in the  geological faculty of Iowa State University (USA).
Short time visits to USA, Canada, Belgium, UK.

Membership in professional organizations:
Since 1994 is a member of Acoustical Society of America, since 2010 is a member of Society of Exploration Geophysics (USA)

Awards, prizes, grants:
Various grants of Russian foundation of basic research since a middle of 90-s, topics are about physical acoustics and geophysics, other grants and international contacts (1998-2001).

Pedagogical activities:
Popularization of acoustics and geophysics for young scientists, two Ph.D. students.

About 80 publications including reviewed articles, conference proceedings, technical reports etc.