
Mizus Irene Igorevna
researcher of the Microwave Laboratory, PhD

2003 – 2009: student at the Advanced School of General and Applied Physics (ASGAP), Nizhny Novgorod State University; 2009 – Master's degree in Physics, Advanced School of General and Applied Physics, Nizhny Novgorod State University; 2009 – 2012: postgraduate school of IAP RAS; 2014 – PhD in Radiophysics, thesis: Analysis of H216O and H3+ spectra using global potential energy surfaces, supervisor: Oleg L. Polyansky.

Scope of professional interests:
theoretical spectroscopy, variational calculations, quantum chemistry, astrophysics, cosmology.

Professional career:
2007 till now: researcher at the IAP RAS; since 2015: researcher of the Microwave Laboratory.

Awards, prizes, grants:
2010: personal “Rasuvaev” stipend by Nizhny Novgorod region government.

Pedagogical activities:
2009 – 2010: tutor of first-year students at the ASGAP, Nizhny Novgorod State University.

10 papers and 12 thesis.

Most significant papers and results:
I.I. Bubukina (Mizus), S.A. Koryagin. Bremsstrahlung from collisions of low-energy electrons with positive ions in a magnetic field // Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics. 2009. V. 108. No. 6. Pp. 917 – 927.

I.I. Bubukina (Mizus), N.F. Zobov, O.L. Polyansky, S.V. Shirin, S.N. Yurchenko. Optimized semiempirical  potential energy surface for H216O up to  26 000 cm-1  // Optics and Spectroscopy. 2011. V. 110. No. 2. Pp. 160 – 166.

O.L. Polyansky, N.F. Zobov, I.I. Mizus, L. Lodi, S.N. Yurchenko, J. Tennyson, A.G. Császár, O.V. Boyarkin. Global spectroscopy of the water monomer // Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. A. 2012. V. 370. No.1968. Pp. 2728 – 2748.

J. Tennyson, P.F. Bernath, L.R. Brown, A. Campargue, A.G. Császár, L. Daumont, R.R. Gamache, J.T. Hodges, O.V. Naumenko, O.L. Polyansky, L.S. Rothman, A.C. Vandaele, N.F. Zobov, A.R. Al Derzi, C. Fabri, A.Z. Fazliev, T. Furtenbacher, I.E. Gordon, L. Lodi, I.I. Mizus. IUPAC critical evaluation of the rotational-vibrational spectra of water vapor, Part III: Energy levels and transition wavenumbers for H216O // J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer. 2013. V. 117. Pp. 29 – 58.

M. Pavanello, L. Adamowicz, A. Alijah, N.F. Zobov, I.I. Mizus, O.L. Polyansky, J. Tennyson, T. Szidarovszky, A.G. Császár, M. Berg, A. Petrignani, A. Wolf. Precision measurements and computations of transition energies in rotationally cold triatomic hydrogen ions up to the mid-visible spectral range // Phys. Rev. Let. 2012. V. 108. No.2. P. 023002.

O.L. Polyansky, A. Alijah, N.F. Zobov, I.I. Mizus, R.I. Ovsyannikov, J. Tennyson, L. Lodi, T. Sczidarovsky, A.G. Császár. Spectroscopy of H3+ based on a new high-accuracy global potential energy surface // Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. A. 2012. V. 370. No.1978. Pp. 5014 – 5027.

M. Pavanello, L. Adamowicz, A. Alijah, N.F. Zobov, I.I. Mizus, O.L. Polyansky, J. Tennyson, T. Szidarovszky, A.G. Császár. Calibration-quality adiabatic potential energy surfaces for H3+ and its isotopologues // J. Chem. Phys. 2012. V. 136. P. 184303.

A. Petrignani, M. Berg, F. Grussie, A.Wolf, I.I. Mizus, O.L. Polyansky, J. Tennyson, N.F. Zobov, M. Pavanello, L. Adamowicz. Communication: Visible line intensities of the triatomic hydrogen ion from experiment and theory // J. Chem. Phys. 2014. V. 141. P. 241104.

I.I. Mizus, A. Alijah, N.F. Zobov, L. Lodi, A.A. Kyuberis, S.N. Yurchenko, J. Tennyson, O.L. Polyansky. ExoMol molecular line lists – XX. A comprehensive line list for H3+ // Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 2017. V. 468. No.2. Pp. 1717 – 1725.