Savilov Andrey Vladimirovich,
Leading researche, D.Sci.
Born in 1968, married, has a daughter
- 1992 – graduated from Nizhny Novgorod State University .
- 1996 – received Ph.D. (Candidate) Degree in physics and mathematics
- 2004 - received D.Sci Degree in physics and mathematics
Scope of professional interests:
Relativistic high-power electronics, electron masers.
Professional Employment:
Institute of Applied Physics RAS (Dept. of High-frequency relativistic electronics) - Leading Researcher.
Awards, prizes, grants:
- Medal and Prize of the Russian Academy of Sciences (1999) for the series of work “Theoretical and experimental study of powerful free-electron masers” (together with Drs. N.Yu. Peskov and S.V. Samsonov).
- The President Grant, grants of RFBR, INTAS, CRDF, Russian Science Support Foundation.
Publications: about 100