
Daniil Sergeev
senior research, PhD
230 Department of nonlinear geophysical processes
231 Laboratory of nonlinear wave processes

Date of birth : 1.09.1980
Place of birth : Nizhniy Novgorod , Russia
Family situation : married (1 child )

Post-graduate studies:
Institute of Applied Physics RAS (IAP RAS), Nizhniy Novgorod , Russia (since 01.07.2003 till 30.06.2006); Supervisor: prof. Yuliya Troitskaya head of dep. 230 IAP RAS
(Russia ). Thesis was defended on 09.10.2006.
Theme: “Laboratory studying of surface and inner flows in the ocean with digital velocimetry methods”
Specialty: “Atmospheric and ocean physics”
2003 : Master's Degree in physics, Nizhniy Novgorod State University (NNSU Nizhny Novgorod)
2001 : Bachelor's Degree in physics, Nizhniy Novgorod State University (NNSU Nizhny Novgorod)

Scientific field of interests:
Laboratory modeling of geophysical flows, wave processes in the ocean, turbulent flows in stratified fluid, methods and technique in experimental fluid dynamics, PIV-methods.

Professional carrier:  

  • 15.10.2008 – present: Senior Research at the Laboratory 231 at IAP RAS
  • 10.02.2007 – 15.10.2008: Research Fellow at the Laboratory 231 at IAP RAS
  • 15.08.2000 – 10.02.2007: Junior Research Fellow at the Laboratory 01.10.2006 – present: Research Fellow at the Laboratory 231 at IAP RAS


  • 2006: Grant of Russian Foundation of Basic Research (RFBR) (grant of the government of Nizhny Novgorod region 08-05-97013-ð_ï_à)
  • 2007: 1 t in completion of young engineers of IAP RAS
  • 2004, 2008: 2 d in competition of young scientists of IAP RAS
  • 2004 - 2006: grant of Organization of young scientists of IAP RAS

Publication list:
Papers published in International journals: 
G. N. Balandina, V. V. Papko, D. A. Sergeev, and Yu. I. Troitskaya Evolution of the Far Turbulent Wake behind a Body Towed in a Stratified Fluid with Large Reynolds and Froude Numbers // Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics, Vol. 40, No. 1, 2004, pp. 99–113.

O. A. Druzhinin, V. V. Papko, D. A. Sergeev, and Yu. I. Troitskaya Laboratory, Numerical, and Theoretical Modeling of the Flow in a Far Wake in a Stratified Fluid // Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics, 2006, Vol. 42, No. 5, pp. 615–626.

K. A. Gorshkov, I. A. Soustova, and D. A. Sergeev On the Stability of Vortex Streets in a Stratified Fluid // Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics, 2007, Vol. 43, No. 6, pp. 785–793.

Yu. I. Troitskaya, D. A. Sergeev, E. V. Ezhova, I. A. Soustova, and V. I. Kazakov
Self-Induced Internal Waves Excited by Buoyant Plumes in a Stratified Tank //
Doklady Earth Sciences, 2008, Vol. 419A, No. 3, pp. 506–510.

V. P. Ershov, D. A. Kas’yanov, V. I. Rodchenkov, and D. A. Sergeev Study of the Dissolution and Growth of Salt Single Crystalsin Inhomogeneous Acoustic Fields:
II. A Focused Acoustic Field //Crystallography Reports, 2008, Vol. 53, No. 2, pp. 344–350.

Balandina G.N, Druzhinin O.A., Papko V.V., Sergeev D.A., Troitskaya
Yu.I. A theoretical model of a wake of a body towed in a stratified fluid at large
Reynolds and Froude numbers // J. Non. Proc. Geoph. 2006. V. 13. P. 247–253.

Papers published in abstracts, books and proceedings of International conferences:
TroitskayaYu, SergeevD, EzhovaE. Evolution of turbulent jet with positive buoyancy in stratified fluid. // Proc. Int. Ñonf. “Fluxes and structures in fluids”. Ñ. 130–133. Print. IPM RAS. Moscow. 2007.

Bahanov V, Bogatov N, Sergeev D, Vlasov S. Measurements, by the PTV-method, of surface currents over a moving sphere. // Proc. Int. Ñonf. “Fluxes and structures in fluids”. Ñ. 6–8. Print. IPM RAS. Moscow. 2007.

Troitskaya Yu, Sergeev D, Soustova I, Ejova E, Kazakov V. Dynamics of turbulent jet with positive buoyancy in stratified fluid // Proc. Int. 18eme Congres Francais de Mecaniqu. 2007. CFM 2007-1277. P 6.

Ezhova E.V, Sergeev D. A, Troitskaya Yu. I. Self sustained oscillations by turbulent buoyant plumes in thermocline-like stratified fluid // Proc. of III Int. Ñonf. “Frontiers in nonlinear physics”. 2007. C.142-143. Print. IAP RAS. Nizhny Novgorod. 2007.

Yuliya Troitskaya, Daniil Sergeev, Oleg Druzhinin, Vladislav Papko & Irina Soustova Laboratory, numerical and theoretical modeling of a far wake flow in a stratified fluid. // Proc. Int. 18eme Congres Francais de Mecaniqu. 2007. CFM2007-1248. P 6.

Bakhanov, V.V.; Bogatov, N.A.; Kazakov, V.I.; Kemarskaya, O.N.; Koposova, E.V. Sergeev, D.A.; Vlasov, S.N. Currents over a sphere moving at different depths and with different speeds. // Geophysical Research Abstracts (GRA) EGU2007-A-00937.

Sergeev, D.A.; Soustova, I.A.; Troitskaya, Yu. I Experimental studying of turbulent buoyant jet in a stratified fluid. Geophysical Research Abstracts (GRA). EGU2007-A-02904.

Ermakova Î. S., Malkov Yu. A., Sergeev D. A., Troitskaya Yu. I.. On the generation of the vertical mixing due to syrface waves. Proc. Int. Conf. “Nonlinear Wave Processes” 2008, section NWP-2, pp. 30-31.

Balandina G.N, Sergeev D.A., Troitskaya Yu.I., Zakharova E.N. Laboratory and Theoretical Investigation of Evolution of a Turbulent Wake in Stratified Fluid // Proc. Int. Ñonf. “Fluxes and structures in fluids” 2003. Ñ. 141–146.

Balandina G.N, Sergeev D.A., Troitskaya Yu.I Studyng of the turbulent wake behind the bodies of the different form in stratified fluid // Proc. Int. Conf. “Frontiers of nonlinear physics ” 2004. C. 253–254.
Balandina G.N, Sergeev D.A., Troitskaya Yu.I. The experimental studying of the wake behind the bodies of the different form in the stratified fluid // Proc. Int. Symp. "Topical Problems of Nonlinear Wave Physics". 2003. P. 303–304.

Balandina G.N, Druzhinin O.A., Papko V.V., Sergeev D.A., Troitskaya Yu.I. Far turbulent wake after a towed body in stratified fluid // Geophysical Research Abstracts (GRA). 2004.