
Prof. Alexander M. Sergeev
Chief researcher
Director of the IAP RAS in 2015-2017
Academician of the RAS, D.Sc. in Phys. & Math.

Buturlino village of the Gorky (Nizhny Novgorod) region, August 2, 1955

University education:

  • 1972 - 1977 Gorky (Nizhny Novgorod) N.I.Lobachevsky State University, Radiophysical faculty.
  • 1982  Ph.D. from Institute of Applied Physics. Thesis title "Self-action and transformation of intense electromagnetic waves in a magnetoactive plasma", Scientific adviser A.G. Litvak.
  • 2000 D.Sc. in phys. & math., thesis "Nonlinear wave processes during generation of ultrashort optical pulses and interaction of high optical fields with matter".

Professional career:

1977-1979 - trainee researcher of the Institute of Applied Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IAP RAS)

1979-1985 - junior researcher of IAP RAS

1985-1991 - senior researcher of IAP RAS

1991-1994 - head of laboratory of IAP RAS

1994-2001 - head of department of IAP RAS

2001-2012 - director of division, deputy director of IAP RAS

2012-2015 - deputy director of IAP RAS

since 2015 to the present time - IAP RAS director

Scope of professional interests:
laser physics, femtosecond optics, plasma physics, biophotonics

Membership in professional organizations:

  • Full member of RAS
  • Deputy Chairman of the International Committee on Ultra-Intense Lasers (ICUIL)
  • Member of International Union of Pure and Applied Physics Commission on atomic, molecular and optical physics
  • Member of the Editorial Board of "Radiophysics and Quantum Electonics"

Awards, prizes:

  • 1999 Russian Federation State Prize
  • 2006 Order of Honor
  • 2012 Russian Federation Government Prize

Pedagogical activity:

  • Professor of N.I.Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod
  • Head of the leading scientific school of RF "Femtosecond optics, nonlinear dynamics of optical systems, and highly sensitive optical measurements"

Scientific papers and results:

Alexander M. Sergeev is the author of more than 300 scientific papers.
Alexander M. Sergeev and collaborators predicted and examined new physical phenomena in femtosecond optics and ultrahigh field physics. Under the leadership of Alexander M. Sergeev, a modern femtosecond optics center was created at IAP RAS, which comprises a number of facilities, including the petawatt laser system based on parametric light amplification. New promising applications of femtosecond and femtocorrelated radiation, such as the creation of compact accelerators of charged particles, micro and nano modification of matter for material processing, and optical bioimaging have been demonstrated.