Valery V. Zaitsev
Head of Laboratory of Plasma Physics of the Sun and Planets Atmospheres. Department of Astrophysics and Space Plasma Physics
Radiophysical Faculty, Gorky (now Nizhny Novgorod) State University - 1962. Ðostgraduate student, 1965.
Ph.D. in Physics. Thesis - "Radio Emission Generated by Shock Waves and Streams of Fast Particles ", 1970 (Supervisor - Professor S.A.Kaplan).
Doctor of Sciences (Physics and Mathematics).
Thesis - "Plasma Mechanisms of Generation of Sporadic Radio
emission of the Sun", 1980.
Professor of Physics , 1990
Scientific field of interests:
Solar and planetary radio emission.
Solar flares.
Plasma heating and particle acceleration.
Shock waves.
Coronal seismology.
Plasma Kinetics in the Application to the Solar Atmosphere and Magnetospheres of Jupiter and Saturn
Professional carrier:
1977- now - Senior Research Physicist, Principal Research Physicist, Head of Laboratory, Institute of Applied Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences.
Membership in professional organizations:
Head of Solar Physics Section at Russian Academy of Sciences. Member of expert council of RFBR. Member of International Astronomical Union. Founding Member of European Astronomical Society.
Awards, prizes, grants:
A.A.Belopol’sky award from Russian Academy of Sciences (1999)
Award from “International Academic PublishingCompany “Nauka/Interperiodica”(2004).
Grant from Eeuropean Southern Observatory, 1993, 1994
Grant from International Soros Foundation, 1993, 1994, 1995
Grant from Astrophys. Inst. Potsdam, 1992, 1993, 1995.
Grant from INTAS, 1995.
Grant from RFBR, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1999, 2000, 2002, 2003, 2005, 2006.2008, 2011
Pedagogical activities:
Research work with postgraduate students: 8 PhD and 3 Doctor of Science.
Publication list:
Coherent mechanisms of radio emission and magnetic models of pulsars, Astrophys. and Space Science, v.4, P.464, 1969 ( with V.L.Ginzburg and V.V.Zheleznyakov). Equivalent Electric Circuit Models of Coronal Magnetic Loops and Related Oscillatory Phenomena on the Sun, Space Sci Rev (2009),
DOI 10.1007/s11214-009-9538-1 (with M.L. Khodachenko, A.G. Kislyakov, A.V. Stepanov).
Soviet radio telescopes and solar radio astronomy (with V.A.Alexeev, G.B.Gelfreich, Yu.P.Ilyasov, N.L.Kaidanovsky, L.I.Matveenko, A.V.Men’, A.P.Mochalov, A.V.Stepanov, V.I.Shishov). Moscow, Nauka, 1990.
Coronal Seismology (with A.V. Stepanov and V.M. Nakariakov), 2012, Wiley-VCH Verlag & Co.KGaA, Weinheim, Germany, PP 1-221