Nonlinear dynamics and optics division |
Nonlinear dynamics and optics division SimLight is a team developing original special-purpose supercomputer software for numerical simulation of ultrafast optical processes for applied and basic research in the field of extreme light fields. The goal of the team is investigation of new algorithmic approaches and methods for creating parallel codes that would efficiently use available computational resources and their application for unique advanced studies by request of theoretical and experimental research groups, laboratories and centers (business proposal). Unique techniques: - Fully parallel Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) technique / patented Original parallel codes for modern supercomputers: - 2D-4D FFT based code for Time Dependant Schrödinger Equation simulation SimLight has a more than 5-year successful experience in numerical simulation of optical processes which enabled development of unique technologies, algorithms and program codes for extra resource-intensive research on modern multiprocessor computer clusters. The advance made by the team and the high-level results obtained have been reported in top international journals (J. Phys. B 39, S445-S455 (2006); Journal of Modern Optics 55, 16, 2685-2692 (2008); PRA 77, 033424 (2008); PRL 102, 115005 (2009); PRL 102, 184801 (2009)). Partners and clients:
Ñontact us: PhD student Arkady Gonoskov, e-mail: