Plasma physics and high-power electronics division

Diamond Electronics Laboratory


Laboratory staff, with employees of both IAP and LETI, consists of more than 50 people, including 9 doctors and 21 candidates of sciences and 7 graduate students. The staff includes employees of the IAP RAS that have extensive experience and infrastructure in the field of CVD diamond study, and employees of LETI - specialists in the design and manufacture of wide-band electronic devices. Team combines the key ideas of the project leader Dr. James Butler, the experience of the team of IAP RAS in growing single crystal CVD diamond with intellectual and technical resources of LETI in working with wide-bandgap semiconductor materials. Team closely cooperates between the study of diamond growth, study of its physical and electrical properties, development and manufacture of devices based on CVD diamond. Publications of the group, highlighting the results of the project, are published in scientific journals (Diamond and Related Materials, Chemical Vapor Deposition) and are presented at international conferences (International Conference on Diamond and Carbon Materials, New Diamond and Nano Carbons Conference).

Laboratory staff, top line: N.Ovechkin, V. Chernov, S.Bogdanov, A.Muchnikov, A.Kozlov; bottom line: J.Batler, A.Vikharev, M.Lobaev, D.Radischev, A.Gorbachev