Postgraduate School

History of Postgraduate School

Head of Postgraduate School:
Dorozhkina Darya Sergeevna
phone. 7(831) 416-06-50

Leading engineer:
Tretyakova Svetlana Yevgenievna
phone. 7(831) 416-06-28

Admission in 2018:
Postgraduate School of the IAP RAS announces admission for the 2018/2019 school year for a full-time study within the framework of the admission control figures for the following areas of training::

Code  of training area

Name of training area

Cipher and name of specialties for the nomenclature of researcher specialties

Control figures of admission of citizens under programs for training of scientific and pedagogical staff in Postgraduate School


Physics and astronomy

01.04.03 – radiophysics


01.04.06 – acoustics

01.04.08 – plasma physics

01.04.21 – laser physics


Earth sciences

25.00.29 – physics of atmosphere and hydrosphere


Terms of commencement and completion of receipt of documents required for admission from  April 23  to June  29, 2018.
Documents required for admission are submitted to the Postgraduate School Department in person or through a trustee. For all questions apply to the Postgraduate School Department 
Tretyakova Svetlana Yevgenievna  – room. 2411phone. (831) 416-06-28
Dorozhkina Darya Sergeevna – phone. (831) 416-06-50

Terms of entrance examinations from July 2 to July 10, 2018.
Deadline for receiving the original of the standard document is August 29, 2018.
IAP RAS does not have a hostel for out-of-town postgraduate students.
Information on the procedure for recording of individual achievements of applicants is given in detail in paragraph 70 of the Rules for Admission of Citizens for Education in Higher Education Programs - programs for training of scientific and pedagogical staff in Postgraduate School of the IAP RAS.